Membership Information

Bank Member

CBA exists not for a membership list but because we care about the existence and success of Kansas community banks as a whole. We recognize that banks are the lifeblood of Kansas communities themselves; hometowns across the state suffer when community banks are unable to meet the challenges set before them. By coming alongside Kansas community bankers and helping find answer to these challenges, we allow community banks to be what they are intended to be and to serve their local customers in the most authentic ways possible.

Founded in 1978, the Community Bankers Association of Kansas is the only state trade association dedicated exclusively to serving the interests of Kansas community banks.

The value you receive from a CBA membership is measured in more than just dollars and cents.

  • We genuinely look forward to you joining our CBA “family.” CBA aggregates the power of its members to provide:
  • An experienced and dedicated voice offering advocacy for community banks and their interests in Topeka and Washington D.C.
  • Specialized educational events for community banks delivered via webinars and in-person training.
  • Access to our new Community Bankers for Compliance Program (CBC), designed to help you save time and money and establish your own in-bank compliance program.
  • Profit-enhancing services to help community banks compete in an ever-changing marketplace.
  • Networking opportunities with other community bankers at our Annual Convention and Tradeshow and during other CBA Events – plus opportunities to serve alongside your peers in CBA committees and activities.
  • Industry information published in the In Touch magazine.
  • Leadership with high-impact experience. Shawn Mitchell brings nearly 25 years of community bank leadership, and we are community banker-led (Board) and community banker run.

Contact us today for more information about becoming a CBA Member.

Join as Bank Member

Associate Member

CBA Associate Members provide numerous products and services specifically designed for community banks. Through their annual dues, involvement in educational programs and convention, as well as conference sponsorships, our Associate Members are an invaluable part of the Association.

Our Associate Members play a key role in allowing CBA to continue our mission of ensuring the success and continued development of community banking in Kansas.

Due to the support of these companies, we strongly encourage our bank members to first look at Associate Members when they are considering purchasing or using a new bank-related product or service. For more information on any of them, you may contact Yvonna Hansen at the CBA office. 

Among CBA Associate Members, some companies are endorsed by the Association to provide its members with group purchasing discounts on superior quality products or services. These companies are identified as Endorsed Provider Companies. You will find this term beside each endorsed company on the CBA Associate Member search lists. Through this program, CBA members enjoy access to many of the same low prices traditionally available to large-volume customers.

Join as Associate Member

Bank Member - Trust Company

CBA exists not for a membership list but because we care about the existence and success of Kansas community banks as a whole. We recognize that banks are the lifeblood of Kansas communities themselves; hometowns across the state suffer when community banks are unable to meet the challenges set before them. By coming alongside Kansas community bankers and helping find answer to these challenges, we allow community banks to be what they are intended to be and to serve their local customers in the most authentic ways possible.

Founded in 1978, the Community Bankers Association of Kansas is the only state trade association dedicated exclusively to serving the interests of Kansas community banks.

The value you receive from a CBA membership is measured in more than just dollars and cents.

  • We genuinely look forward to you joining our CBA “family.” CBA aggregates the power of its members to provide:
  • An experienced and dedicated voice offering advocacy for community banks and their interests in Topeka and Washington D.C.
  • Specialized educational events for community banks delivered via webinars and in-person training.
  • Access to our new Community Bankers for Compliance Program (CBC), designed to help you save time and money and establish your own in-bank compliance program.
  • Profit-enhancing services to help community banks compete in an ever-changing marketplace.
  • Networking opportunities with other community bankers at our Annual Convention and Tradeshow and during other CBA Events – plus opportunities to serve alongside your peers in CBA committees and activities.
  • Industry information published in the In Touch magazine.
  • Leadership with high-impact experience. Shawn Mitchell brings nearly 25 years of community bank leadership, and we are community banker-led (Board) and community banker run.

Contact us today for more information about becoming a CBA Member.

Join as Bank Member - Trust Company